3 Ways To Brew Better Coffee At Home

Posted by Admin on Jun 20th 2022

3 Ways To Brew Better Coffee At Home

Most of us were used to our daily Starbucks orders,grabbed on our way to work before the pandemic hit,and we all had to stay in. But one strangely helpful realization that came out of the entire catastrophe was that there’s nothing you can’t do at home.

People did everything from DIY home improvements to gardening and baking. Some significant trends went viral, including the infamous dalgona coffee trend. Speaking of coffee, dalgona isn’t the only coffee you can try at home; you can also order flavored coffee beans and try to brew other types of coffees.

Here are some tips to make the perfect cup.

Use The Right Amount of Coffee

The amount of coffee you use for each cup depends on the type of coffee and the flavor you prefer. Typically, most recipes suggest using 2 tablespoons of coffee for 6 ounces. But it’s essential to keep in mind that coffee blends can differ in density, bean size, and of course, flavor.

The amount of coffee you use per cup will determine how strong the flavor is. You can start with a general ratio of about 1:12. So, for every 35 grams of coffee, you can use 400 grams of water. And gradually, you can switch up the ratio via trial and error until you find the perfect ratio for your taste buds.

Use Filtered Water (With The Perfect Temperature)

The fact is that about 98 percent of your coffee cup’s content is water, so it’s not an ingredient you can take lightly. The taste and quality of the water need to be top-notch for perfect brewing, so we suggest using purified water. You don’t necessarily have to use distilled water, though; home-filtered water would work just as well.

Also, to extract the best flavors from your coffee beans, we suggest using water between 195-205 degrees. This will directly impact the speed of extraction and will also help bring out the perfect sweetness and flavor. Keep in mind that hotter temperatures will make your coffee much bitter.

Use Good Quality Coffee

This is probably the most important tip that most people overlook. If you want your coffee to taste like the ones you get at your favorite coffee house, or even better, you need to use good-quality coffee.

If you’re not sure where to buy it, you can shop for espresso coffee beans from us. You can also order flavored coffee beans, including aromatic flavors like French Vanilla and toasted chestnut crème.

Give us a call if you’ve got any questions.