Posted by Admin on May 31st 2022
3 Tips To Brew Terrific Tea Every Time
According to Chinese legends, tea was first discovered or rather accidentally invented in 2737 BC in China by Chinese emperor Shen Nung and his servant. The servant was boiling drinking water when some leaves from the tree above landed in the water. Over time, the simple concoction became one of the most popular beverages in the world.
But here’s the thing: tea isn’t brewed as easily anymore—at least, not in most tea-drinking cultures. With time, people have perfected the art of brewing tea. The perfect pot may differ from culture to culture or even between different households, but the basics remain the same.
Here are some simple tips to keep in mind when brewing your next pot.
Have A Dedicated Kettle For Your Tea
A lot of people make their tea in a pot instead of a kettle, but if you smell and taste last night’s curry in your tea—you know exactly what you’re doing wrong.
Most teas have unique and subtle flavors and scents that can easily be masked by stronger flavors, like those of spices. So ideally, it’s best to keep a dedicated kettle for your tea and ensure that it’s not used for anything other than boiling water and brewing tea.
An electric kettle is a great idea for beginners since it’ll help you get the temperature just right, but it’s not necessary. A pretty, little copper kettle will work just as well.
Keep Steeping Timings In Mind
All types of tea come with different steeping instructions, and it’s crucial to follow them. The tea’s packaging usually outlines the exact steep time and water temperature—just follow it exactly.
But it’s important to stay with your tea while it’s steeping instead of wandering off. Because firstly, brewing your tea is a ritual in itself, and you need to be a part of it wholly. Secondly, unless you’re standing right there in front of the teapot, you’re more than likely to completely forget about it and end up steeping it longer than necessary. This will leave you with a strong and bitter brew, far from the perfect pot you were aiming for.
Understand The Various Types And Buy Premium Quality Tea Leaves
From black to green, oolong, and white, there are several types of teas that are easily available in stores—try a few different flavors to find your preference. Or, if you’re drinking tea for health-related reasons, it might be a good idea to do some research on the health benefits of different teas before you start shopping.
But no matter what type you end up selecting, make sure it’s premium quality tea like what we offer at Red Bud Tea Company. We have over 100 different tea blends, including Indian spiced tea, Scottish breakfast tea, and jasmine tea that you can order online.
Check it out.